Questions & Answers

If you don't find your answer below, don't hesitate to contact us.


Questions & Answers

If you don't find your answer below, don't hesitate to contact us.


Questions & Answers

If you don't find your answer below, don't hesitate to contact us.

What is HotelsHero?

What is HotelsHero?

What is HotelsHero?

How does HotelsHero work?

How does HotelsHero work?

How does HotelsHero work?

Is HotelsHero secure?

Is HotelsHero secure?

Is HotelsHero secure?

Can my guests have insurance when storing in the self-storage area?

Can my guests have insurance when storing in the self-storage area?

Can my guests have insurance when storing in the self-storage area?

Do I need to charge fees for luggage storage to use HotelsHero?

Do I need to charge fees for luggage storage to use HotelsHero?

Do I need to charge fees for luggage storage to use HotelsHero?

What is the cost for hotels to use HotelsHero?

What is the cost for hotels to use HotelsHero?

What is the cost for hotels to use HotelsHero?

Do I need a lock for our storage room?

Do I need a lock for our storage room?

Do I need a lock for our storage room?

Can HotelsHero restrict access to the storage area to only hotel guests?

Can HotelsHero restrict access to the storage area to only hotel guests?

Can HotelsHero restrict access to the storage area to only hotel guests?

Does HotelsHero integrate with hotel property management systems (PMS)?

Does HotelsHero integrate with hotel property management systems (PMS)?

Does HotelsHero integrate with hotel property management systems (PMS)?

How does HotelsHero handle customer disputes or lost luggage?

How does HotelsHero handle customer disputes or lost luggage?

How does HotelsHero handle customer disputes or lost luggage?

Can HotelsHero distinguish between loyalty members and other guests?

Can HotelsHero distinguish between loyalty members and other guests?

Can HotelsHero distinguish between loyalty members and other guests?

What type of hotels can use HotelsHero?

What type of hotels can use HotelsHero?

What type of hotels can use HotelsHero?

How do I get started with HotelsHero at my hotel?

How do I get started with HotelsHero at my hotel?

How do I get started with HotelsHero at my hotel?

Want to know more? Let's talk

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Want to know more? Let's talk

Just fill in the form and one of our excellent Heroes will get back to you.

Want to know more? Let's talk

Just fill in the form and one of our excellent Heroes will get back to you.


Corkgade 1

DK-2150 Copenhagen Denmark

VAT-no.: DK37611328


© 2025 HotelsHero is a registered trademark


Corkgade 1

DK-2150 Copenhagen Denmark

VAT-no.: DK37611328


© 2025 HotelsHero is a registered trademark


Corkgade 1

DK-2150 Copenhagen Denmark

VAT-no.: DK37611328


© 2025 HotelsHero is a registered trademark